Monday, December 17, 2012

What is Buddhism 2

In my first post, I was talking in circles. I was being confusing. In the end, there wasn't much to be said about Buddhism, why is there so many rules, concepts, teachings and practise when it comes to Buddhism? It's because of you!

My guru, living Buddha Lian Sheng, answered the question in one of his book. The writings is in Chinese, below is my attempt to translate it.

What is Buddhism.
An easy way to answer is the way(s) to eliminate greed, hatred and ignorance. Non isn't Buddhism.

What ways can we eliminate greed, hatred and ignorance?
Practise Buddhism. To see all sentient beings as equal.

Is there big, middle or small in Buddhism?
Understanding wisdom and compassion are not dualism, is big. Understanding form, formless, emptiness is middle. Understanding karma, right and wrong, good and evil is small.

So what is Buddhism?
Everything, every event and people, is Buddhism. Because everyone and everything that happened teach me the path to Nirvana, to become a Buddha, no matter good or bad, holy or evil, right or wrong, all are Buddhism isn't it.

What is not Buddhism?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Arahant/arhat 阿罗汉, is commonly known as the path to salvages the self, also known as small vehicle, while big vehicle, is the path of boddhisatva, the vow to salvage all beings. Many people had labeled the south school as small vehicle and the north, big/great vehicle. In my understanding, it is the spirit, the vow of the person that made a difference, it had nothing to do with the affiliated school.

In my cultivation, I had many struggles between both ways. Not everyone is willing to listen to the ways of Buddhism, let alone explore, cultivate and understand. I don't have great goals to be a missionary, to spread the teachings far and wide. What I could only do at the moment, is to provide insight, provide compassion in my daily social activity, to listen when someone wants to be heard. To let people know and feel, what it feels like to be treated without judgement.

It is also common for people to not appreciate the given help and to crave after things that are not within possession. That is part of human nature. The path of great vehicle, is to lend aid without seeking anything in returns. Thus the heart sutra says 无所得故,菩提 萨埵。With nothing to gain, thus obtained the enlightenment of boddhisatva. And only lend aid, because of the belief that all beings have buddha nature, all beings can achieve buddhahood.

I was once in a queue for cash deposit in a bank. The man who was using the machine had some trouble. The machine kept rejecting the notes. I wanted to offer to help exchange the note, but my companion that time, stopped me. She said "Lately there had been many fraud case and fake notes, what if that person is just waiting to con you?" I did not know what to say. But if you ask me the same question now, I will say, it's only rm50-rm100. I can bear the risk, I can bear the loss. On an extreme note, if I die today, I would be glad I had helped than being careful and doubtful about helping a stranger. Of course, compassion must always company with wisdom, like a pair of wings.  Otherwise, it will be like Icarus, flying on a pair of wing of wax, when you fall, you fall hard.

The arahant is a lot easier when compared, just help yourself or those you deem worthy, and that's it. For the arahant, there is no sentinel beings to help, there is no buddhahood to achieve, just mind your own business in cultivation. My guru did no disdain arahant, that everyone had their own path within their capability to walk. That often left me wonder, is it worth it? I have not enlighten should I spend my time helping others instead of cultivating myself? Isn't it too ambitious to try to hold the globe in my hand and to vow to help all sentient beings?