Saturday, June 15, 2013

Do you do good?

From left to right.
Mahastamaprapta 大势至菩萨 (da shi zhi pusa) - Amitabha Buddha 阿彌陀佛 (amitofo) - avalokiteshvara 觀世音菩薩 (guan shi yin pusa)

In my last class in Psychology of Religion, the lecturer asked, does Buddhist think about good things? I raised my hand and replied "no". I don't know what was the message received by her, but she replied something along the line, "Buddhist think good things la".

As usual, if it's not something I can explained quickly, I refrained from talking in the class. I know it's common in religion teachings to do good, in speech, thoughts and action. I also know that, there are practice in Buddhism that required the cultivator to think "bad", such as staring at the corpse to realize how foul the living body can be in sight and smell, with the purpose to realize the living body is impermanence, and reduce the attachment for the human body.

Practise of a certain direction in dualism value,  is to discipline and to balance. For example, if I never understand the merit of being kind and compassion to people, ideally, it is good for me to start having good and kind thoughts towards people. For those who already practise compassion in their daily life with ease, it would be great to compliment the practise with wisdom, learning how to be flexible and control. Compassion and wisdom have to come together, like a pair of wings.

However, to be good, or to have wisdom is not the sole purpose of Buddhism. In a meditative state, a Buddhist aim to enter Samadhi, for pureland 净土 practise, it is to chant namo amitofo so focus that there's no other thoughts but namo amitofo. In the end, you dont' even chant or think about amitofo but you are still doing it.

Above shown is commonly known as the 3 saint from the west, 西方三圣。Especially amitofo and
avalokiteshvara, both are commonly worshiped in northern buddhism temple  or chinese families. 

What to practise as a Buddhist?

Recently, I had a conversation, the person asked "what else to do as a Buddhist, other than being vegetarian and offer incense on the 1st and the 15th of every month in Lunar Calender"

In my mind, the first answer I have is, there is nothing to do, but I answered, "there is many things to be done as a Buddhist." Sure, the main practise to purify the "heart" is either chanting or meditation, but if I were to go into details, there is the precepts, the virtuous act, the 6 paramitas (perfections) and so on. Lately, I find cleaning the toilet and removing tough stain to be calming. The practise is endless, from the obvious and grand, to subtle actions and intentions.

When I first start my practise, I encountered endless difficulty. I never embrace any religion as an adult, and I have trust issues even today. There are certain practise of Buddhism requires faith and there are teachings that talks about the spirit/unseen. They are topic that were very alien to me at that time. I find the teachings very comprehensive, and one of my questions is to apply in life. To achieve this, I made a vow, if Buddhism does not work in a practical manner, I would stop the practise for good. In a Buddhist term, I offered my speech, will and body to the practise of Buddhism. I gave up everything, include my ego and habit so I can proceed. Of course I was not a mindless zombie, there were something that stays and it took a lot of effort to overcome.

People are looking at form, shape, style and even structure to understanding something, but those are within dualism. The essence of Buddhist is beyond dualism, non dual. There is a precept on speech. I do not swear normally, but there are exceptions I did this for specific purpose. One of it is to build rapport, there are times, I have company that feels awkward for swearing and I would swear in that occasion. The other occasion is to relieve anger. If I have someone that was harmed or bully, I might say "who the fuck did that to you, I'm going to look for him". When I say that, I may say it in a wrathful and angry voice, but I do not carry resentment to any party, and often, my friend will feel better. This is also part of emotional redirection.

There are endless practise in Buddhism, even in eating, sleeping, sex and cleaning the floor. The question to ask is, do you serve the ego or are you cultivating your heart?

Monday, December 17, 2012

What is Buddhism 2

In my first post, I was talking in circles. I was being confusing. In the end, there wasn't much to be said about Buddhism, why is there so many rules, concepts, teachings and practise when it comes to Buddhism? It's because of you!

My guru, living Buddha Lian Sheng, answered the question in one of his book. The writings is in Chinese, below is my attempt to translate it.

What is Buddhism.
An easy way to answer is the way(s) to eliminate greed, hatred and ignorance. Non isn't Buddhism.

What ways can we eliminate greed, hatred and ignorance?
Practise Buddhism. To see all sentient beings as equal.

Is there big, middle or small in Buddhism?
Understanding wisdom and compassion are not dualism, is big. Understanding form, formless, emptiness is middle. Understanding karma, right and wrong, good and evil is small.

So what is Buddhism?
Everything, every event and people, is Buddhism. Because everyone and everything that happened teach me the path to Nirvana, to become a Buddha, no matter good or bad, holy or evil, right or wrong, all are Buddhism isn't it.

What is not Buddhism?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Arahant/arhat 阿罗汉, is commonly known as the path to salvages the self, also known as small vehicle, while big vehicle, is the path of boddhisatva, the vow to salvage all beings. Many people had labeled the south school as small vehicle and the north, big/great vehicle. In my understanding, it is the spirit, the vow of the person that made a difference, it had nothing to do with the affiliated school.

In my cultivation, I had many struggles between both ways. Not everyone is willing to listen to the ways of Buddhism, let alone explore, cultivate and understand. I don't have great goals to be a missionary, to spread the teachings far and wide. What I could only do at the moment, is to provide insight, provide compassion in my daily social activity, to listen when someone wants to be heard. To let people know and feel, what it feels like to be treated without judgement.

It is also common for people to not appreciate the given help and to crave after things that are not within possession. That is part of human nature. The path of great vehicle, is to lend aid without seeking anything in returns. Thus the heart sutra says 无所得故,菩提 萨埵。With nothing to gain, thus obtained the enlightenment of boddhisatva. And only lend aid, because of the belief that all beings have buddha nature, all beings can achieve buddhahood.

I was once in a queue for cash deposit in a bank. The man who was using the machine had some trouble. The machine kept rejecting the notes. I wanted to offer to help exchange the note, but my companion that time, stopped me. She said "Lately there had been many fraud case and fake notes, what if that person is just waiting to con you?" I did not know what to say. But if you ask me the same question now, I will say, it's only rm50-rm100. I can bear the risk, I can bear the loss. On an extreme note, if I die today, I would be glad I had helped than being careful and doubtful about helping a stranger. Of course, compassion must always company with wisdom, like a pair of wings.  Otherwise, it will be like Icarus, flying on a pair of wing of wax, when you fall, you fall hard.

The arahant is a lot easier when compared, just help yourself or those you deem worthy, and that's it. For the arahant, there is no sentinel beings to help, there is no buddhahood to achieve, just mind your own business in cultivation. My guru did no disdain arahant, that everyone had their own path within their capability to walk. That often left me wonder, is it worth it? I have not enlighten should I spend my time helping others instead of cultivating myself? Isn't it too ambitious to try to hold the globe in my hand and to vow to help all sentient beings?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Traps at the temple

Brahma, four faced buddha 四面佛/四面神/创造神大梵天王

It was the first time I step into the temple as an adult. The only reason I went to the temple, was the Buddha, the four face buddha 四面佛,rumored to grant any wish. 

The statue of buddha that I worshipped, had 4 faces in 4 direction, each face has 2 hands. Each hands holding different tools and forming different mudra(hand sign).
To pray to the 4 face buddha, the worshiper should be aware that each direction is in charge of 4 specific areas, achievement (work and education), relationship, wealth and health. 

Note: A buddhist prayer is different than most religion. To understand how prayer works, my dear reader, you should understand the concept of karma, cause and effect. I began with reading Liao Fan's 4 Lessons了凡四训,the book covers how Liao Fan, changed his predestined life.

It was a Thai temple, housing Thai monks nearby where I live in Kuching. As I finished my prayers, a staff of the temple asked if I wanted fortune readings and blessings from the monk. I went along with the idea. The monk, LP Prasit, gave me 2 blessed accessories. One of it is a tangkai. See image below.

A chinese auntie saw my tangkai, she told me unlike the other gift, the tangkai was not always given. She also told me, if I have a wish, I should pray to the tangkai.

One of the core concept of Buddhism is the element of emptiness 空性。To understand nothing, first you must begin with something. We can see movements of the wind as the grass move, but the movement of the grass does not tell you much about the wind. So if I blindly pray to the tangkai, then I would have missed the teachings of Buddhism. Later in my journeys, I understand that most if not all, Buddhism accessories, is more than a blessing, it also acted as a reminder the importance of Buddha Dharma*.

Dharma 法-the word not just cover the teachings of Buddhism, also means method, and nature's law. In my context, is it about the cultivation.

At the 2nd half of 2011, I visited a famous northern school as a volunteer for a leadership camp organized by the temple. In those busy moments, I happen to have the privilege to asked a nun about a meditation term. We're happy to have that conversation. Later I bump into the host of the temple 主持, I approached her with my question regarding Tibetan Buddhism (my Tibetan practise started on Dec 2011). She briefly explained to me and scolded me for chasing after supernatural powers. I did not understand her teachings nor scoldings. Later in life, I realized that monks and nuns while they are supposed to be knowledgeable in Dharma, it is rare to find one that master in Buddhism, often, they just specialized in their own school's teaching. Looking back with my present knowledge, she didn't have the answers. That wasn't her field.

To talk about another practice  or to summarize, by just reading a book, went for a seminar by an experienced man, or tried the practice once, is never a good idea. It's like you try to talk about love without ever experience love by just reading one single poem by Shakespeare. 

Religion, because there's no organization body for standard, I have to use my own judgement and be aware of my direction. It's not easy. 

Lotus Li Hong

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cycle in life

Today, I went to get Chinese food for lunch. I greeted the Chinese lady, she gave me an enthusiastic smile, she gave this to everyone and always said something nice to her customers. Below is a conversation that happened.

Her: "Hi Leng Zai (Handsome in Cantonese), long time no see, you must be busy"
Me: "Yeah I have been."
Her: "I'm glad you finally come and see me"
Me: "Yeap, I missed your cookings, it reminds me of my mum's"
Her: "Really? I'm so happy to hear that! Is your mom older than me?"
I think for awhile and answered "Yes, she's slightly older"
Her: "Oh... so that means I'm old too"
Me: "We're all heading that direction"
Her: "Yeah you're right."
Me: "Auntie (that's exactly how I address her) was young too, when auntie was young, Auntie was a Leng Lui (pretty lady)"
Her: "Yeap that's true, but now I've aged"
Me: "Yeap, you've become an auntie so you can give birth to leng lui"
She was taken back by the remark and went into reflection.
Her: "That's actually true!"

Cycle in life, karma, and many things else in Buddhism are often explained in past life or other realms than human worlds (other 5 realms refer to heaven, asura, beast, ghost and hell). Many things in life, in the present, can explain many Buddhism teachings aka Buddha Dharma.

Namo Amitabha (Namo meaning taking refuge, reliance. Amitabha, one of many Buddha's name)
Lotus Li Hong

Thursday, November 1, 2012

What is Buddhism

My guru, His Holiness Living Buddha Lian Sheng, Lu Sheng Yen 师尊莲生活佛 卢胜彦

I have a classmate in Uni, asking me about the ways of Vajrayana, aka Tibeten Buddhism or Diamond path 金刚乘. He read a book about it and was fascinated by the magical or spiritual aspect of it. He talks about the mantra, the mudra (hand sign) and how some of the practise can improve a person's resources with great interest. His main interest was romance. He asked if I know any mantra that can make a girl fall in love with him. Given the the depth of his words, I knew that he have no basic in Buddhism, also he have trouble relating to people and making people comfortable in a conversation. So I taught him the basic of Buddhism on self-less giving. He wasn't the least bit interested in basic.
Note: some books available today is mainly for cultivator/practitioner so the teachings will not be included, just the methods to practise.

I explained to him that spiritual aid is like the blowing wind for a boat.. To receive the aid of the wind, first you must have a sail, so when the wind blows, it could help moving the boat, and definitely, if you row, the boat will travel faster.

He did not understand that. All he cared was getting the result, getting the girl. He seemed to be blindly following, or have the intention to practise without the basic which can be dangerous. Just like anything else in life, blindly following something and without basic, can be bad. It was not my intention to humiliate but I wish with the repeated message, he will gets it.

I remember few months ago, I signed up for Japanese language class. It was a night the class just ended, I was walking with a classmate to the train station. On our way, I saw another classmate, she was in front of us, walking alone going to the same direction. So I hurried my steps towards her and I lightly pull her bag that was on her shoulder and say the word "DOROBO!" (equivalent of theif/robber in Japanese.) She was frightened, and looking at her reaction, I laughed out loud. She slapped my shoulder. Once we calm down, all 3 of us continue walking.  Prior to that, me and her never talked and only exchange eye contacts in class.
PS: Guys, I'm not responsible if you tried this and get negative result

Before living my current quiet boring life, unknown to many, I was a very sociable person and I've talked to all shape and size. Today I often find it a challenge to talk to acquaintances, but with friends that I'm already familiar with, I'm fine. What I wanted to say is, I knew what I was doing and with my experience, I knew she could take it. Instead of doing all sorts of spiritual practise to ask for the Buddha's help to fix interpersonal relationship all the time, it is much more efficient to do the basic in relationship, saying hi, giving sincere smiles.

Allow me to translate contents from a chapter among hundreds of books written by my guru.

What is Buddhism, If you look at the external appearance, you will find answers like these.
-Worshipping using incense.
-Doing charity work
-Being vegetarian
-Monk and nuns.
and so on and so forth. All of the mentioned is correct, but does not represent Buddhism as a whole.

There are many schools of Buddhism, each with different practise and ways of cultivating the heart. I know it is common for people to want to differentiate, as I progress in my journey, I find it a waste of time for differentiation  It is the heart that is important.

It is like saying I love you in different language. The meaning is the same, it is how sincere the speaker express it and if the receiver of the message understand it. In the end, all ways of different method in Buddhism ultimately lead to the same goals. One of the process to going towards the end goal, is purifying the mind, body and speech. That is why while given the precept of refrain from killing, I kill everyday. By accident, I've stepped on snails and ants, when I turn on the lights, there are insects charge forward to the warmth and kill itself. I also killed mosquito intentionally, sometimes I chant the Buddha's name while I do it, sometimes I don't. There's a saying, if the heart is pure, the action is pure.

I once mentioned this in my religion class. "The idols or statues of Buddha is fake, in the end, we can throw it away." A Buddhist's altar serve as a direction. A place to to remind the cultivator to cultivate purity of body, mind and speech. Often a practise start with a form, and move towards formless. The Buddha, is actually everywhere, not just presence in the altar or temple. If one day, I am enlightened, I would throw away my altar. Well not really throw, I'll give it away.

I start to see Buddhism, or religion and arts, have layers. It is not easy to talk about the subject without practise, let alone reading a book, or listening to a master's discourse. As I continue writing this, I find it more and more challenging to write in a manner that is understandable and relate-able to everyone, Instead of giving a summary and then putting a full stop. I'm much more interested to show a side that, ideally answers the question about Buddhism. To know more as a whole, I believe it is your journey, all I can do, is not teach, but guide.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hum (Living Buddha Lian Sheng's mantra. 莲生活佛心咒)

Lotus Li Hong