Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cycle in life

Today, I went to get Chinese food for lunch. I greeted the Chinese lady, she gave me an enthusiastic smile, she gave this to everyone and always said something nice to her customers. Below is a conversation that happened.

Her: "Hi Leng Zai (Handsome in Cantonese), long time no see, you must be busy"
Me: "Yeah I have been."
Her: "I'm glad you finally come and see me"
Me: "Yeap, I missed your cookings, it reminds me of my mum's"
Her: "Really? I'm so happy to hear that! Is your mom older than me?"
I think for awhile and answered "Yes, she's slightly older"
Her: "Oh... so that means I'm old too"
Me: "We're all heading that direction"
Her: "Yeah you're right."
Me: "Auntie (that's exactly how I address her) was young too, when auntie was young, Auntie was a Leng Lui (pretty lady)"
Her: "Yeap that's true, but now I've aged"
Me: "Yeap, you've become an auntie so you can give birth to leng lui"
She was taken back by the remark and went into reflection.
Her: "That's actually true!"

Cycle in life, karma, and many things else in Buddhism are often explained in past life or other realms than human worlds (other 5 realms refer to heaven, asura, beast, ghost and hell). Many things in life, in the present, can explain many Buddhism teachings aka Buddha Dharma.

Namo Amitabha (Namo meaning taking refuge, reliance. Amitabha, one of many Buddha's name)
Lotus Li Hong

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