Thursday, November 1, 2012

Guan Yin and the beef

One of the many forms of guan yin

It was about 1 year ago. I was having buffet steamboat and I had beef in my plate. It was natural for me as I love beef. My friend asked if I'm a Buddhist, I said yes. "You are a Buddhist and you dare to eat beef! Do you want some scolding!!" Among the chinese culture, it was widely spread that if you're a Buddhist or affiliate with Guan Yin, you are not allowed to eat beef. This was a question I find important, I sought answers when I first start my journey. After all, beef is my favourite food.

What was related to the taboo of eating beef was just a folklore, I never found anything about eating beef in Buddhist sutra nor Taoist ones. It was said, it is a fiction created to promote the merit of guan yin,

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